Besh Barmag

Despite it is known for centuries that a huge number of migrating birds pass along the Caspian coast and through Azerbaijan, the area around Mount Besh Barmag (Beşbarmaq) was just recently identified as a globally important bird migration bottleneck. Here, at the easternmost foothills of the Greater Caucasus, migrating birds that avoid crossing the high mountain range and also the nearby Caspian Sea are funnelled through a narrow coastal plain. 2-3 million birds pass the counting station in autumn. On good days more than 100.000 individuals can be counted. In total, more than 320 bird species have been recorded.

Our aim is to establish the annual count of migrating birds at Besh Barmag as an efficient tool for bird conservation in a little-studied region. Furthermore, we are eager to use this count to promote environmental education and eco-tourism in Azerbaijan. The final goal of our activities will be a bird observatory, where bird lovers, nature enthusiasts and scientists get together to enjoy the miracle of bird migration.

Call for Counters: Besh Barmag Bird Migration Count 2024

We are happy to announce another bird migration counting season at Besh Barmag bottleneck for autumn 2024! After the very successful full season counts in 2018, 2022 and 2023 we are in good spirit and eager to run another long-awaited round of the epic bird migration count. With some highly motivated additions to our local…

Birding Azerbaijan Shop

Just a few days before the upcoming Besh Barmag Bird Migration Count, we’re thrilled to announce the opening of our Fan Shop! Now, all you passionate bird counters can buy of shirts, stylish baseball caps, and charming mugs adorned with our logo. Each purchase not only lets you flaunt your support but also contributes financially…

Latest news of the Besh Barmag Bird Migration Count:

Besh Barmag bird migration count finnished for autumn 2023!

Text © Zülfü Fərəcli Concluding the Besh Barmag Bird Migration Count marks the completion of 90 days of dedicated bird observation. In the final two weeks, the counters were treated to remarkable highlights, notably on the 19th, when a staggering 749 Meadow Pipits, 16 Water Pipits and 235 pipit sp. gracefully migrated south, accompanied by…

Great mix of species at Besh Barmag in November

Text © Zülfü Fərəcli The Besh Barmag Bird Migration Count has now logged 75 days of tracking for the autumn of 2023. As the station braces for plummeting temperatures, sightings of winter birds have commenced. On November 4th, noteworthy sightings included over 1000 Pintails, 79 Dalmatian Pelicans, and 39 Wigeons, despite the presence of strong…

Eight weeks counted at Besh Barmag

Text © Zülfü Fərəcli The Besh Barmag Bird Migration Count has progressed over a span of two months into the current season, with a notable count of eight weeks for autumn 2023. With the gradual drop in temperature, a noticeable influx of late migrants has been observed. Some days were better than others, e.g. on…

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